Sunday, December 20, 2009

Alecs Winter Concert

We are so proud of Alecs musical talent. He works so hard at practicing and getting to his goal of being in the high-school jazz band.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 12th, 2009......the big 13

Happy 13th Birthday Alec! What an awesome milestone in your life, you are now a teenager! You are truly the kind of kid that any parent and/or grandparent can be proud of. You have proven yourself to be kind, patient, loving, generous, funny, smart and most importantly dedicated to the Lord. We look forward with anticipation to what great things you will accomplish in the years ahead.

We love you always and forever son......Dad & Mom

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This year I am giving thanks for: salvation (praise the Lord), all my family, my friends, my job, my church, my religious freedom, hugs, kisses, Friday night sleepovers with Channy in her room, books, more books, listening to music with Alec, making shadow animals with Braeden on his wall before bed, marriage, children, ice cream :), my home, my Jesus, faith, singing, dancing, laughter, love, hope, and so much more........


Saturday, November 21, 2009

13 Years and Counting!!!

So I am posting this today because........tomorrow is our 13th wedding anniversary and I won't be spending it on the computer!!! What else to say except that I am so unbelievably happy to be with the love of my life.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dinner with the Grandparents

We had my grandparents over for dinner on Wednesday night. We were planning to have them the previous week, but the stomach flu nixed that idea! We had a great time, we talked about trips long past and adventures thru the years in the great state of Az from before they were parents until now. I hope that anyone who still has the awesome privilege of having their grandparents and/or grandparents still with them acknowledges that blessing daily. How much more blessed are we that have believing parents and grandparents, I am so thankful for the faith and wisdom that has been passed onto me by my mom and my grandpa and grandma.

Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait I say on the Lord!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

What's :)

Wow, I cannot believe we are already halfway through the month of November! This has been a crazy busy school year so far with all the different activities going on. Braeden is in basketball (and doing great!), Chantelle is in choir and student council, and Alec......well Alec is in Junior High so he ALWAYS has something going on!!! Sometimes I feel like all I do is drive and then drive some more. With everything so busy, I decided this last week that I needed to do some slowing down and deciding what was really important. I had to realize that having two jobs was not benefiting me or my family, and that I needed to focus on my marriage and getting my kids safely through these often tough childhood years (can we say pre-teen and teen challenges). So, I decided to put two weeks notice in to the home health care agency I work for, and I will no longer be doing respite or hab care. I knew it was the right choice, and I have such a peace about it. I realized that if my heart wasn't in the work, I wasn't going to be doing the best job I could be and that wasn't fair to anyone. I'm not sure exactly financially how things will all work out, but we have survived on ALOT less before! God is always faithful to carry us through no matter what. Oh yeah, one more less than a month I will be the parent of a teenager.........

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Enjoying the beginning of Fall.

I am loving being on Fall Break!!! It has been a very challenging last few months due to the unfortunate breakdown of personal relationships, and the stress of juggling two jobs (one which I love, the other which is beginning to wear on me), and this break is much needed. I have learned alot about me in the last months though, and I am starting to come out on the other side of heartbreak with a new perspective. I am not defined by what others say, or choose to think about me. I am defined solely by my Heavenly Father and that is as His loved and forgiven child. I can only forgive and move forward, I cannot control the actions of others and I have realized that I wouldn't even want that job. We as humans can only be responsible for what we do and say, seek amends when we need to and then be willing to do as the Lord does for us on a daily basis and put the offenses where they will not be remembered again. Its not been easy for me, as I know that I have long tried to be a controller of my circumstances and it has taken alot of time and patience to realize that I have no control over anything, the Lord is in that position and I wouldn't want it any other way. I am just me, take it or leave it that's your choice. Am I perfect....YES (just kidding).....of course not, and I never will be. So if you want perfection, look somewhere else. I am just a child of the King who has to be on her knees daily at the foot of the cross (the only place I would ever want to be found).

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Goodbye Mazey

So today was kind of hard, I went with my mom for support as she had one of her doggies (Mazey) put to sleep. She was getting older and sicker, and it was just her time. I'm so sorry for your loss mom, I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a beloved pet. You made the right choice, and no one could have been better to her than you. From the moment you rescued her from the pound she adored you, and you gave her the best home to spend her last years. We all loved you sweet girl, and we will miss you.

Friday, July 24, 2009

I am sooo glad I found my camera!!! And happy that I learned how to post pictures. These are random shots of the animals, an apple pie I made today and one of Alec and Channy mugging for the camera.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

More Pictures Yay!!!

It was the day for pictures around here....and we had the best time celebrating Braedens birthday.

i couldn't fit them all in :)

Here are the rest of the pictures....

The kids

Wow, it's been a while. I do love posting on here, it's just finding the time to do so. well, enoy the new pics of the kids, they are growing up so fast!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I love this picture. It shows three people just happy to be with each other. My Grandpa, my sister Rachel and me. If you could capture love in a picture, this would be the one. I love you Grandpa, you're the best!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Bridging from Brownies to Juniors!!!

Channy is officially a Junior Girl Scout today. The ceremony was so special, and watching her we were amazed at how fast the last 8 1/2 years have flown by. To think that at one time we didn't think she would be with us for more than a few short years, and now she is well on her way to nine!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Easter Is Almost Here!!!

As I reflect on what this week preceding Easter must have been like for Jesus, I am in awe of what He did for me. Knowing the cost, and fully realizing what it would mean for Him to have the face of the Father turned away, He chose to die for me. For me. And for you. What amazing, selfless, all consuming and all desiring love. What more could I want, than to live every day as Jesus did. His every desire and focus was to be in the face of the Father every day.

Fairest Lord Jesus, Ruler of all nature,O Thou of God and man the Son,Thee will I cherish, Thee will I honor,Thou, my soul’s glory, joy and crown.

Fair are the meadows, fairer still the woodlands,Robed in the blooming garb of spring;Jesus is fairer, Jesus is purer,Who makes the woeful heart to sing.

Fair is the sunshine,Fairer still the moonlight,And all the twinkling starry host;Jesus shines brighter, Jesus shines purer than all the angels heaven can boast.

All fairest beauty, heavenly and earthly,Wondrously, Jesus, is found in Thee;None can be nearer, fairer or dearer,Than Thou, my Savior, art to me.

Beautiful Savior! Lord of all the nations!Son of God and Son of Man!Glory and honor, praise, adoration,Now and forever more be Thine.

Galatians 6:14- But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Deep calls unto deep at the sound of Thy waterfalls; all Your waves and billows have gone over me. The Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, and in the night His song shall be with me- A prayer to the God of my life.

Psalm 42: 7-8

Last night was Alec's concert with his school, the middle school and Greenway Highschool jazz band. Alec has always expressed a desire to play jazz, and he was so excited to be handpicked to play his saxophone in this concert. He is also still taking drum lessons, and hopes to play them as well in band next year. Oh just a proud parent sidenote...he made honor roll in school again, and tested way high for both gifted reading and math on the junior high qualifier tests!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The kids all had a great time at Mcdonalds with Grandpa Roberts. They played a bunch of rounds of "Nerd" with everyone being the nerd at some point!!! Of course, they all agreed that Grandpa was the biggest nerd :)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Saturday lunch....last week

We hosted lunch last week for Grandpa and Grandma and Grandma Susan. It was a great time of laughing and reminiciscing about times past. On a side note, we had lunch and G&G roberts house the following day, and the kids were able to pick bags and bags of oranges which we have since juiced (Braedens favorite pastime) and shared with friends.