Sunday, November 15, 2009

What's :)

Wow, I cannot believe we are already halfway through the month of November! This has been a crazy busy school year so far with all the different activities going on. Braeden is in basketball (and doing great!), Chantelle is in choir and student council, and Alec......well Alec is in Junior High so he ALWAYS has something going on!!! Sometimes I feel like all I do is drive and then drive some more. With everything so busy, I decided this last week that I needed to do some slowing down and deciding what was really important. I had to realize that having two jobs was not benefiting me or my family, and that I needed to focus on my marriage and getting my kids safely through these often tough childhood years (can we say pre-teen and teen challenges). So, I decided to put two weeks notice in to the home health care agency I work for, and I will no longer be doing respite or hab care. I knew it was the right choice, and I have such a peace about it. I realized that if my heart wasn't in the work, I wasn't going to be doing the best job I could be and that wasn't fair to anyone. I'm not sure exactly financially how things will all work out, but we have survived on ALOT less before! God is always faithful to carry us through no matter what. Oh yeah, one more less than a month I will be the parent of a teenager.........

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