Saturday, July 25, 2009

Goodbye Mazey

So today was kind of hard, I went with my mom for support as she had one of her doggies (Mazey) put to sleep. She was getting older and sicker, and it was just her time. I'm so sorry for your loss mom, I know how hard it is to say goodbye to a beloved pet. You made the right choice, and no one could have been better to her than you. From the moment you rescued her from the pound she adored you, and you gave her the best home to spend her last years. We all loved you sweet girl, and we will miss you.


G-ma Susan said...

Thank you, Heidi, for going with me, and thank you all for the post. Mazey was a good dog. Zoey and I will miss her.

John said...

Was informed of this tragedy and I know the pain of having to go thru this sad decision of lovable animals, Cinder, Smokey these were so attached to us it was hard to do, but just as Mazey we understand the reason for having to do this..Grandpa Roberts