Wednesday, September 24, 2008

An update on our (not so baby anymore) girl Chantelle

Hi, we just wanted to do a quick update on Chantelle and her profile on classkids. The site is up, but they had to put her 4 year old posting up to get her name active. Once they have all the kids active, they will update them to their current age. Channy is doing very well, she is loving school, friends and Girl Scouts. Her health is pretty good, we are having some difficulty getting her allergies under control as she is severly allergic to the major allergy meds on the market. We have spent hours in the hospital and doctors office after giving her allergy meds ,and having her go into seizures, passing out from her blood pressure dropping so fast, and having hallucinations. We are trying a water based nasal spray right now, and praying that the side effects she is having (swollen glands, and a terrible sore throat) will lessen. Please pray also, as her scar tissue from her surgeries is really bothering her lately, that it will loosen up, or whatever it is supposed to do! Anyway, it all sounds horrible but it really is a small part of her life, and the majority of what she does is all fun! She is in guitar classes at church and she spends a huge part of her time on her passion, art. So, that's that and check back soon for personal updates on our favorite boys ever....Alec and Braeden!

1 comment:

John said...

Be sure to tell Channy not to swallow. Good exercise for hitting high C. GGpa Roberts