Monday, September 15, 2008

Searching For God

As I was typing in my blogspot address the other day to post, an interesting thing happened. I can pull up our blog simply by typing in god and our address will pop up and all I have to do is hit enter and it comes up. Well, I typed in god and without looking just hit enter and the next thing I knew I was looking at was all the internet listings for searching for God. How many ways does the Lord reach out to us in unexpected ways every day to remind us that he is always there, and all we have to do is search Him out. Now everytime I begin to type in our url, I have two choices : A Glimpse of the Godings or, Searching for God. What a blessing to know that the Lord is reaching out to me through every avenue that our world can create. God is not just the God of the bible, and the church building, He is able to be searched out and found anywhere, including the worldwide web! So today as we get busy with "life", let's not forget the one who gave it to us. Let's search Him out, let's take a moment in the chaos of life to simply "Be still, and know that I Am God"- Psalms 46:10.

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