Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What a storm!!!

We had a huge storm roll through this afternoon, complete with pouring rain and more hail than we have seen in years! The kids braved the stinging hail to collect it and show us whose piece was bigger, and whose should get to go in the freezer. We are such Arizonans :), how many people in other states get so excited about water from the skies! It was exciting for all of us, and we all stood outside and watched until the worst was over.


G-ma Susan said...

I was in the Fry's parking lot when it hit and I didn't dare get out of the car! What fun!

ET said...

I am soooooooo jealous! I left AZ, the place of the crackling dry desert floor, and since I've heard about nothing but rain there!!! I guess the fact that it's monsoon season, it's what I should have expected! Until water falls from my sky here, I'll be grateful that it's 60 degrees when I wake up in the morning!