Sunday, September 28, 2008

All About Alec!!!

Alec is really starting to get serious about his music. He is enjoying the saxophone, and works hard at getting better. We are trying to find a new teacher for him, as things were not working out well personality wise with his previous one. He is great at reading music though and practices well on his own, so we are certain he will do fine for a few weeks until a new teacher can be lined up. He has also begun guitar classes, he prefers the electric to the acoustic, and is excited to start learning more about a new instrument. Alec is constantly receiving praise from his drums and percussion teacher at school for his playing and ear for music. He loves music, and is always aspiring to play better and try new instruments. Alec is doing great in school, he is pulling all A's and high B's, and has already begun talking about college (we are not that ready for him to grow up!) and where he wants to go. He is active in church, and can't wait to be a part of the Junior High group next year (our neighbor is one of the leaders, and a good friend). We are so proud of his accomplishments, and are even prouder to be his parents!

1 comment:

John said...

Big congrats to Alec, so keep up the fine work in music..GGPA Roberts