Monday, August 25, 2008

It's been a little while since I posted, so I will try to bring everything up to date. All the kids are doing really well in school, Braeden has tested into gifted classes for reading and math, and Channy has tested gifted for reading. Alec is loving his new school, I think mostly because it is an accelerated school and he gets every Friday off :). He is taking fine arts and percussion this year, and is taking private saxophone lessons from a friend of the family. I have been working as a kindergarten aide for the last two weeks, but I will start today as a one on one for a special needs boy in Kindergarten. I am really excited, as being a one on one aide was what I had hoped for and am certified to do. Nathan has been working hard to get the new campus of our church set up (there will be two campuses instead of one), and will be taking a much needed break in October to go deer hunting. We will have some new pictures of the family up this week, we just need to get them on the computer!

1 comment:

John said...

Neat report on those GGKids makes us proud to hear this kind of report, so doing it... GP and GMA Roberts