Sunday, August 10, 2008

Endings and New Beginnings

We are (well some of us) looking forward to the start of the new school year tomorrow. Alec will be starting at his new school where in addition to regular studies, he will have his main focus in music and the visual arts. He is nervous but excited, and is looking forward to furthering himself on the saxophone while adding percussion to the mix. We are so excited about this new school, and to see where his love of music takes him. Braeden will be starting 5th grade this year, and he is still undecided about what sport or activity he will be getting into. We are thinking maybe basketball, or possibly another run (no pun intended) at cross country. Chantelle will be in 3rd grade, and she is excited to see all her friends again and catch up on what happened over the summer! She is still active in Girl Scouts, and hoping that she will be able to join the girls basketball team this year. I will be starting my new job tomorrow as a special ed aide at the school, and I am so glad to have the opportunity to work where my kids go to school.

The kids had a great "last day out" on Friday with Grandma Susan. She took them for dinner at Panda Express and then out to see Wall*E which Channy had been begging to see ever since it came out! They all had a wonderful time, and it was the perfect end to a good summer.

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