Saturday, December 12, 2009

December 12th, 2009......the big 13

Happy 13th Birthday Alec! What an awesome milestone in your life, you are now a teenager! You are truly the kind of kid that any parent and/or grandparent can be proud of. You have proven yourself to be kind, patient, loving, generous, funny, smart and most importantly dedicated to the Lord. We look forward with anticipation to what great things you will accomplish in the years ahead.

We love you always and forever son......Dad & Mom


G-ma Susan said...

I love you, Alec. You are my very favorite oldest grandchild. Wow! a TEENAGER!!! Who would've imagined it 13 years ago when we held a little baby boy in our arms? But you have grown up and I am so proud of you! Always remember Whose child you are -- the One Who gave you life and LIFE.

John said...

Alec you make your GGrandpa proud your talent is great. Congrats keep it up..GGrandpa Roberts and GGrandma Roberts too....