Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy New Year (a few days late)

Hi all! We have been so busy since school started, but its been a good sort of busy. We are getting back into routine, and it is a little hard (like getting up in the morning) but its nice to be back on a schedule. Not much has changed, I am working at the kids school as a math and reading tutor, Nathan is working hard for Calvary and the kids are all doing really well in school. We are all looking forward to see how the Lord is going to use our family to serve Him in 2009, and we can now look back and see how much He blessed us with in 2008! We are so thankful for all He has done for us, and all He is yet to do.

1 comment:

John said...

Heidi, your post is a good one ..So PRAISE THE LORD. Hope 2009 is even better...Grandpa and Granma Roberts