Friday, December 19, 2008


Well, we're back to blogging and I promise I will try to keep up with it! We are on a much needed Christmas break, so I should have plenty of time to post at least every couple of days. So here are some of our newest Braeden pics, and they definitely express two of his biggest loves, gaming and the outdoors. Braeden was very proud of his squirrel, he worked hard for it and it paid off. He also had a great time playing Wii sports with Uncle Chris on Thanksgiving, he loves it when anyone will take the time to play video games with him. Braeden loves his Uncle Chris, and he still talks about getting to see him again so they can compete at all the Wii sports for hours. Keep checking back over the next couple of weeks, we will have pics of Thanksgiving, Braeden on the violin, Alec's birthday and much more!


ET said...

Was he hunting or is the squirrel alive?

John said...

Well Braedon congrats on the squirrel...good shot. GGrandpa Roberts

G-ma Susan said...

Well, well, Braeden! Good job! I love you.