Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's Been So Long!!!

Well, I realized today, that I have not posted in a little over a month.We have been so busy between work, raising kids and the rest of our crazy busy life, that actually getting on and spending more than a minute or two on the computer has not been a reality lately. Braeden however has informed us that it is his turn to be profiled on the blog, so you will see him up on here this week with pictures and updates about what is going on in his world. Not too much is going on with us. Our one big news item is that Channys doctors are pleased with her health, and have told us that if she maintains with her current status they will wait for her third surgery until just before her tenth birthday. If her spleen begins to enlarge again, or her bloodwork changes they will schedule the surgery right away. We are currently awaiting the results of another round of genetic testing, and if we get any positive (meaning a positive test, not a "yay she doesn't have that") results we will have to determine a plan of treatment with her doctors, and finally have an idea of what we are facing with her down the road. Without a diagnosis, we are not sure of what the next day might bring, and that is scary. On the other hand, having a diagnosis and knowing what you are facing brings with it its own fears. Anyway!!!! she's good, the rest of us are good, and above all GOD IS GOOD...... Jeremiah 29:11-12

1 comment:

John said...

It has been kinda long, but your a busy mom for sure. Prayers are going for Channy so we are looking fo miracles. Keep in touch Grandpa Roberts