Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Winding Down

Well, we are getting ready for another school year to start here in a week and a half. The kids are spending their last "free" week swimming, sleeping in and getting in as many playdates and sleepovers as possible. Hopefully I will be starting in a new position in the school when they reopen. I have applied to be a special ed aide, and have my "big interview" tomorrow!!! The job is to be a full time aide for an autistic boy, which just happens to be what I already do as a home health care worker. So I am pretty confident about going in there and having a great interview.

P.S. Angie, my fan club says the interview is in the bag :)


G-ma Susan said...


John said...

We also congrat. you on your interview and being selected for the job. You are special ...Grandpa and Grandma Roberts