Thursday, October 15, 2009

Enjoying the beginning of Fall.

I am loving being on Fall Break!!! It has been a very challenging last few months due to the unfortunate breakdown of personal relationships, and the stress of juggling two jobs (one which I love, the other which is beginning to wear on me), and this break is much needed. I have learned alot about me in the last months though, and I am starting to come out on the other side of heartbreak with a new perspective. I am not defined by what others say, or choose to think about me. I am defined solely by my Heavenly Father and that is as His loved and forgiven child. I can only forgive and move forward, I cannot control the actions of others and I have realized that I wouldn't even want that job. We as humans can only be responsible for what we do and say, seek amends when we need to and then be willing to do as the Lord does for us on a daily basis and put the offenses where they will not be remembered again. Its not been easy for me, as I know that I have long tried to be a controller of my circumstances and it has taken alot of time and patience to realize that I have no control over anything, the Lord is in that position and I wouldn't want it any other way. I am just me, take it or leave it that's your choice. Am I perfect....YES (just kidding).....of course not, and I never will be. So if you want perfection, look somewhere else. I am just a child of the King who has to be on her knees daily at the foot of the cross (the only place I would ever want to be found).