Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Visit to the Dorrance Planetarium

The kids had a fantastic time on Monday with Grandpa and Grandma Goding at the Science Center Planetarium exhibit. The kids came home with all kinds of information about constellations, "the dog days of summer", and many other things. After the Science center, they had lunch downtown at Pizza Hut. It was a great day off for all of them.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Dinner at Valle Luna

Iknow it's been forever, but here I am!!! We had a great time celebrating my mom and grandmas last night at Valle Luna. Aunt Sheryl was there, and she was a big hit with the kids. After we left they kept talking about how much they liked her. We are going to plan a trip up to visit her and Uncle John here pretty soon. Happy Birthday Mom and Grandma!!!