Monday, October 6, 2008

Family Breakfast

Here are some pictures from the breakfast on Saturday.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations on 65 years Grandma and Grandpa! We celebrated their anniversary this morning at the Big Apple restaurant. Afterwards, my (Heidi) mom took our kids so we could go over to Grandpa and Grandmas house to visit and spend some quality time. Both Nathan and I and our kids love every moment we are privileged to spend with them and hear about all the things they have seen and done in their life. It also is fun for me to reminisce about all the memories of times at their house (chicken pox, fudgesicles and the best burros ever!), trips with them, and best of all the love they have showered on me all my life that now extends to my husband and children. Our lives are so blessed by Grandpa and Grandma Roberts, and this world is a better place simply because they are in it!