Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer Winding Down

Well, we are getting ready for another school year to start here in a week and a half. The kids are spending their last "free" week swimming, sleeping in and getting in as many playdates and sleepovers as possible. Hopefully I will be starting in a new position in the school when they reopen. I have applied to be a special ed aide, and have my "big interview" tomorrow!!! The job is to be a full time aide for an autistic boy, which just happens to be what I already do as a home health care worker. So I am pretty confident about going in there and having a great interview.

P.S. Angie, my fan club says the interview is in the bag :)

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Boy's Camping

Well the boys did not stay over night, although a fun time was had by all. Nathan and Braeden will be staying over night next Friday. Braeden just loves to camp, he loves to do the things that Nathan loves to do. This was a special time for Alec, Braeden and Nathan just to get away and have fun. School starts soon, and this was one of the last outings of summer.

Sunday Morning!

Hi! We seem to be having some trouble with the slideshow of the kids birthday party, but I am sure Nathan will have it up and running as soon as he gets back from his camping trip with the boys! Check out our new links, if you select "Our Special Kids" on the classkids site, and go down to "other liver disease/disorders" you can pull up Chantelles story by clicking on her name. They are updating right now, so if you can't click on her name just try again in a few days! Channy could use some prayer, she had some gallbladder spasms last night (seriously painful) and is having some arm pain from the major amount of blood she had drawn yesterday morning. She seems fine this morning though, and felt well enough to sneak sips of my "once a month, Sunday morning mocha bellacino" everytime I turned my head :) The guys are all on a camping/crawdad catching trip, and we should have pictures of it up soon! I know the picture of Channy is from 2006, but it is just so cute I had to post it!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Happy Birthday

Braeden and Chantelle celebrated their birthdays together this year at Peter Piper Pizza. We had alot of fun, and were glad to have so many friends and family come to celebrate with us. We have to give a special shout out and thank you to our friend Cathey who put so much time and effort into the amazing birthday cakes! They looked and tasted incredible!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Getting Started

Hi Everyone! We are just getting started blogging, and we are excited to be able to share our lives with family and friends through pictures and posts! We thought we would open our blog with one of our favorite ever pics of all the kids together, and Channy's little "peace out" to all of you :) Keep checking back for new updates and pictures!